ICT solutions for healthcare

Hospital, nursing home, care centre... Are you the head of a health centre? QUANT is committed to providing bespoke, high-quality, state-of-the-art ICT solutions. 

  • Stay operational at all times (uptime close to 100%)
  • Protect the data of your patients
  • Capitalise on a completely 360°solution  
  • Opt for an innovative and personalised approach

QUANT has many references in the medical sector, from small hospitals to large medical groups. We understand your expectations, needs and business and adapt our solutions accordingly.

Optimise the availability of your server and the connectivity of your infrastructure with an uptime (time since which a machine or a computer software runs without interruption) close to 100%, while not skimping on security. 

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A network available round the clock, year-round

Patient registrations, appointment booking, medical record consultations, crucial operations in the digital operating room... A hospital must be operational at all times, even if the network fails. That is why we provide a network that is available round the clock, year-round. 

A highly secure wireless environment

Our Wi-Fi solutions meet your daily needs:

  • Facilitate the work of nurses who must find a bed
  • Receive and consult your medical reports immediately
  • Help your patients find their way around your facility
  • Optimise the visitor access process


The security of your wireless environment is also crucial for your hospital but also for patients and visitors. 

  • Preserve sensitive information such as your patients' medical records or your healthcare facility's business data.
  • Secure access to the internet.  
  • Protect various accesses, terminals and other devices against threats from outside as well as from inside the hospital. 
  • Facilitate the management of information flows and give your IT staff a centralised overview of the entire infrastructure.   


QUANT perceives the security of your institution in a comprehensive manner.


Network security

Real-time access control and careful network segmentation protect your medical resources. Our security approach is based on the "Zero Trust" model: all devices and users are untrusted until proven otherwise.  

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Cloud security

Virtual firewalls are installed within the cloud environments to encrypt data and migrate it safely.  

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Communication security

Ensure a confidential online exchange between each medical staff member with SBC technology. It allows the transition of authorised sessions and blocks those that are not.  

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We support you in the implementation and

optimisation of bespoke ICT solutions.